Polygraph Services


The polygraph technique, commonly known as “the lie detector test”, has developed throughout the years into the forensic psychophysiology science used for multiple purposes in the judicial area. At Rosocha & Partners we responsibly use this technique, our professionals mastering both the technical skills necessary and the ethics and conduct of their profession.

Our practice follows the psychophysiological testing standards required by the Romanian Board of Psychologists. The testing equipment we use consists of an American computer polygraph system – Lafayette LX-4000.

Our practice offers you qualified personnel, licensed in Judicial Psychology for assessing simulated behavior through the polygraph technique, fully accredited by the Romanian Board of Psychologists and members in the Romanian Association of Judicial Psychology. Our mission is to support our clients in discovering the truth, by conducting polygraph examinations and obtaining valid results, concurring with the investigated case and respecting the fundamental principle of truth.

In order to make sure the individual’s freedom of choice is respected, we always ask beforehand for a written personal agreement regarding undertaking a polygraph test.

We dedicate our knowledge, skills and expertise to finding the truth and justice.

The confidentiality of the process is fully guaranteed!


Types of investigations:


Polygraph tests for professional integrity:Blog_4 Cases of Unconventional Employee Theft
• Theft / Fraud;
• Disclosure of confidential information/ violation of work ethics;
• Damage of company assets/ Assessment of various information and statements;
• Assessing employees before promotions or job rotations;
• Removing from the suspects list of those who are innocent but due to unfavorable situations appear guilty;

Polygraph tests for the recruitment process:
• Candidates’ screening in the recruitment process;
• Cross checking the professional background of candidates;
• Checking the information provided in the resume/ CV;

Polygraph tests for periodic assessment of employees:
• Periodic assessment of employees’ loyalty and honesty;
• Preventing potential thefts in the office;
• Establishing the truth in situations where employees have conflicting stories;
• Establishing the truth of statements or information irrespective of the situation;


Polygraph tests for assessing honesty:quiz_298
• Various family related matters;
• Home thefts (money, jewelry, other goods, etc);
• Conflicting stories on the same subject;
• Conflicts related to various possessions or properties;
• Legal matters;
• Any other situations/ cases involving proving honesty/ morality.

Polygraph tests for assessing couple faithfulness:
• Assessing sexual fidelity;
• Assessing couple/ relationship honesty;
• Assessing the partner’s conduct in the relation.

We are here to help you find the truth in the shortest time possible!

In our practice you will benefit from personalized consulting services to help you solve the problems you face either within your company or in your personal life. We are here for you and we can:

Identify the guilty persons in thefts;
Identify various organizational risk factors;
Implement a secure environment;
Prevent and identify any confidential information leaks;
Facilitate an overview of the individual’s activity before a promotion;
Ensure a thorough screening of a candidate in the recruitment process;
Create an honest, secure family environment.


test poligraf ROSOCHA& ASOCIATIIThe polygraph test, also known as “the lie detector”, is conducted in a professional manner and under strict confidentiality. In our process, we are focusing both on identifying the simulated (fake) behavior of the person involved in the case, as well as underlying the honest behavior of the innocent individual. Our services are available for a broad category of clients:

• Various public institutions: court laws, police, etc.

• Private companies: law firms that need clues and guidance they can use in court for their clients, banks, insurance companies, security firms, consulting practices, HR and recruitment companies, retail stores, manufacturing companies and any other company that has a difficulty in monitoring the quality of their employees. Through our services we can also collaborate with restaurants, bars or other similar companies, where employees have to directly interact with large amounts of cash;

• Individuals who face various family conflicts (money or other valuables loss/ theft, couple fidelity, truthfulness of information or statements).


In order to ensure the accuracy of the polygraph test it is vital that all factors or stimuli that can disturb or alter the individual’s performance be removed. The person who is going to be tested must meet a set of criteria:

• Prior to the test, the person must have a normal diet;
• The person must not, under any circumstance, be threatened into taking the test;
• He/ She should not be under the influence of alcohol ;
• He/ She should not be taking any medication that affects the nervous system;
• The person should not have been subjected to tiring investigations;
• The person should not have taken part in a re-enactment;
• The person should not have been involved in conflicts/ confrontations;

By corroborating the existing information on the case, the confessions obtained as a result of the polygraph examination and the polygraph diagrams, we will analyze the reactions and we will indicate the variables that influenced the suspects’ behavior. At the same time, we will provide advice for implementing preventive procedures, in order to avoid similar behaviors or felonies in the future.


The name given to the device – “the lie detector” – was common throughout the 20th century and it still continues today. With the technical evolution and the need to perfect the investigation methods, the name was slowly replaced by polygraph, and after that by veracity psychophysiological examination, as part of the forensic psychophysiology science.

The polygraph test is one of the legal tools of psychophysiology and it is widely applied in the judicial domain, with the clear purpose of discovering and identifying all those involved in the respective case.

The lie detector test or the polygraph test involves recording, measuring and interpreting some physiological markers that are directly influenced by psychological stimuli. The lie detector test is a psychophysiological assessment of the discomfort generated by the individual’s answers related to his/ her involvement in the investigated case.


The psychological counseling for those involved in a polygraph testing is essential, irrespective of the case investigated. We offer this service for families, couples or the individuals who represent the guilty party or the petitioner of the test. At the same time, we also focus our attention to those who are innocent, but have to face various consequences (socially, materially, psychologically or emotionally) as a result of being considered suspects. In order to facilitate returning to a state of comfort, we support all the individuals we interact with, by offering psychological counseling services aimed at behavioral optimization and improvement of the psycho-emotional condition.

People’s reactions related to misdemeanors committed against them vary, and there is no prediction that can be made based on the case or the temperament of the individuals involved. Some are affected by the situation, others chose to consider it “a lesson” they have to learn from, and others chose to shut down, having delayed reactions to the events.

Our psychologist’s specialized intervention as well as the family’s support offers the necessary help so the individual can regain his sense of normalcy.